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Connect with Our Specialist Transport and Logistics Solicitors Today

In the bustling world of logistics, you require a trusted legal partner who understands the intricacies of the transport sector. This is where our firm comes in. We’re specialists in road transport law, providing strategic solutions and expert advice to ensure you stay on the right track throughout your business journey.

Whether you’re a single vehicle owner operator or a major logistics company, our team of road transport solicitors are dedicated to offering legal support that keeps you on the road. Recognised as some of the leading transport lawyers in the country, we strive to serve our clients with the perfect blend of professional expertise and personal care.

Meet the team

Our Services

At our firm, we don't just offer you standard legal services; we provide comprehensive, industry-specific assistance designed to cater to the diverse needs of our clientele within the transport sector. Here's a deeper look into our expanded services:

  • Operator Licensing

    We guide you through obtaining and maintaining your operator's licences, ensuring they meet the regulatory requirements and remain fully compliant.

  • Public Inquiry

    Our team stands beside you in Public Inquiries, offering robust representation to safeguard your interests, whether applying for a new licence, modifying an existing one, or responding to regulatory intervention.

  • Compliance

    Compliance is at the heart of successful transport sector operations. We offer legal guidance on regulatory expectations, help draft and review compliance documents, and provide regular updates on any changes in legislation that may impact your business.

  • Driver Conduct Hearings

    Driver conduct can significantly affect your vocational licence and impact on a transport Operator. We support drivers in vocational conduct hearings, helping to prepare your case and mitigate the potential impact on you or your business.

  • Road Traffic Offences

    Our team offers robust legal representation for various road traffic offences, including bridge strikes, overloading, and death by dangerous driving, helping to defend your rights and work towards a favourable outcome.

  • Health & Safety Consultations

    Health and safety compliance is vital in the logistics sector. We represent clients in interviews under caution by the DVSA, Environmental Agency and Health and Safety Executive, working to ensure their rights and interests are upheld.

  • DVSA/Police Representation

    When faced with enforcement actions or investigations by the DVSA or police, we provide expert legal representation to protect your interests.

  • Waste & Environment Matters

    We provide comprehensive legal guidance on waste management and environmental regulations specific to the transport sector, helping your business stay compliant and environmentally responsible.

  • Mergers, Sales & Disposals

    Whether you're considering merging with another transport business, planning to sell, or disposing of an operating centre, we provide expert guidance.

  • Succession Planning

    We offer specialised advice on succession planning for transport businesses, ensuring a smooth transition and business continuity.

  • Commercial Property

    We offer legal advice and representation in commercial property transactions and disputes, focusing on the needs of transport and logistics businesses.

  • Employment Law

    We provide legal support on all aspects of employment law, including contracts, dispute resolution, redundancies, and worker rights, specific to the transport sector.

  • Debt Recovery

    We help you recover outstanding debts swiftly and effectively, providing a comprehensive service that includes initial advice, letter before action, court proceedings and enforcement.

  • Financial Planning

    We provide strategic advice to help transport businesses optimise your financial planning, including tax efficiencies and financial risk management.

Our Approach

We believe in a tailored approach to legal services, understanding that every client and situation is unique. Our team takes the time to understand your business, ensuring we provide advice that aligns with your operations and objectives. We’re proud to be a part of the transport industry and are committed to helping it thrive.

Operator Licensing Applications and Public Inquiry Support

A Public Inquiry or Preliminary Hearing can be a critical turning point for a transport operator. We can help you navigate the process, protect your interests, and present your case effectively to the Traffic Commissioner.

Whether you’re applying for a new operator’s licence, facing objections to your operating centre, or dealing with alleged non-compliance, our specialist road transport lawyers can provide proactive and reactive advice.

Why choose us?

Many thanks for this – that really is a great relief and a fantastic result.

Thank you so much for all your help on this matter – I really do appreciate this.

I would have no hesitation in recommending your services to anyone caught up in a difficult situation!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do road transport solicitors support clients during legal challenges or disputes?

    Our road transport solicitors guide you through the entire process, from understanding the legal challenge or dispute to formulating a strategic response. We represent you during negotiations or court hearings, protecting your rights and interests.


  • When should I consider consulting a transport solicitor?

    The ideal time to consult a transport solicitor is before any legal issue arises. Proactive legal planning can help you avoid potential pitfalls. However, if you’re facing a legal challenge or dispute, it’s crucial to consult a transport solicitor immediately to ensure your rights and interests are protected.


Act Now

With legal matters, the sooner you act, the better we can provide both proactive and reactive advice. Contact our team of specialist road transport solicitors today for an initial meeting. We're ready to help you navigate the complexities of transport law, providing expert advice and strategic solutions tailored to your needs. Keep your wheels turning with our specialist support!