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Olivia Hill-Richards

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Olivia…

What was your first job? 

I had a weekend job at a cattery- helping care for the cats. I loved it as cats are my favourite animals!

Tell us something that not many people would know about you?

When I was younger I used to go Ballroom dancing, I won medals in competitions. 

Bradley Miller

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Bradley… 

What was your first job?

My first job was at Tesco, where I worked as Christmas temporary staff; I  now know all the words to almost every Christmas song, but this role  provided me with valuable customer service experience in a fast-paced environment.

Tell us something that not many people would know about you?

I love music and was in the Guinness book of world records for ‘young voices’ until 2018, for the record in which the most people were singing the same song simultaneously.


Rebecca Plater

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Rebecca… 

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done?

Learning to drive a manual car, automatics were invented for a very good reason!

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

I absolutely love giraffes and weddings, so it would have to be something combining the two. 


Natalie Richards

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Natalie… 

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done?

The world’s fastest zip line over the Penrhyn Quarry.

What was your first job?

Diving coach.

Julie Trumper

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Julie…

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done?

Flew to Australia on my own at 18

What was your first job?

Shop assistant in a men’s clothes shop

Tell us something that not many people would know about you?

I was accepted for flight attendant training by British Airways when I was 22, but I went to live in Australia for a year instead!

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

A flight attendant!! Or definitely something to do with flying

Thomas Hale

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

Shireena Duffell

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Shireena…

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing? 

I would love to be a dog walker or open my own doggy daycare centre! I would arrange fun doggy activities – sports day, summer parties, Christmas jumper day!

What was your first job? 

I worked in a pub – waitressing and serving drinks. I loved the social aspect but hated the hours!

Mikhala Leak

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Mikhala… 

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done?

When on a safari in South Africa, a female Rhino charged at our safari jeep to protect its baby. Our tour guide seemed un-phased  by this and it was lovely to see the baby Rhino, but scary none the less!

What was your first job?

I was a helper on a Sunday in a hairdressing salon. I swept and washed hair, made drinks and sorted out the products on the shelves.

Tell us something that not many people would know about you?

I absolutely love spring cleaning, but in all seasons!

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

Probably something to do with animals, which I love, perhaps a zoologist?

Michelle Gimmi

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Michelle… 

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done?

Ziplining! I was supervising a school trip and the children encouraged me to go on the zipline, which I did. It was the most scariest thing I had ever done in my life. I screamed most of the time, but it was fun!

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

I would be a teacher. I worked at a school for many years in the office, I was a covid classroom support and did some TA work so I would pursue a career in teaching if law was not my passion!

Melanya Ponraj

Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning

Olivia joined Woodfines in April 2024 as a Private Client Paralegal. She has prior experience working in Probate administration.

In 2023, she graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a 1st degree in LLB Law. Whilst obtaining her degree, Olivia Volunteered as a Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a student advisor at her University's legal clinic. She is currently undertaking her LPC LLM at the University of Law and hopes to qualify as a Solicitor whilst working at Woodfines

More about Melanya…

What was your first job?

Sales Assistance at WH Smith

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

Run a business.