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Thomas Giles

Dispute Resolution Regulatory Matters

Thomas Joined Woodfines in 2024 as a Solicitor in the Regulatory and Dispute Resolution department. He went to the University of York to read History and Politics (Joint Honours) and continues his studies to complete a masters degree at the University of St Andrews to read international Politics. He began his career as a Policy Advisor in Westminster where he found the Legal aspects the most interesting.

He then became a Health and Safety Inspector where he inspected various factories and led investigations into workplace accidents and fatalities. He then decided to take a different route and retain as a Solicitor by studying GDL and LPC, he trained in various contentious seats and decided to settle on Litigation.

During his legal career he has had a wide range of experience in general Tort of Negligence, Insolvency procedures and Debt collection, with specific expertise in Commercial Disputes between companies, particularly professional negligence and breach of contact.


I have never dealt with a solicitor personally and was recommended to contact Woodfines to assist me with a complicated issue. All the staff were super helpful and attentive, but I was extremely fortunate to be passed on Mr Thomas Giles. This man is a credit to the team and is incredibly passionate about his job and the people he is caring for. He dealt with my issue with such patience as it was more complicated on my end, however, was ready to pick up where we left off and dealt with the issue in such a timely matter. He was professional, asked for all the smaller details and was able to spot anything that might potentially be a further issue all prior to carrying out the task itself. Mr Thomas Giles was sensitive about the subject and also knew the right way to go about it and the correct questions to ask. I was made aware of costs and any route the job itself might take us down. Couldn’t recommend him enough. Thank you so much.

Yazmin Elliott

Criminal Law Regulatory Matters Road Traffic Offences Road Transport & Logistics

Thomas Joined Woodfines in 2024 as a Solicitor in the Regulatory and Dispute Resolution department. He went to the University of York to read History and Politics (Joint Honours) and continues his studies to complete a masters degree at the University of St Andrews to read international Politics. He began his career as a Policy Advisor in Westminster where he found the Legal aspects the most interesting.

He then became a Health and Safety Inspector where he inspected various factories and led investigations into workplace accidents and fatalities. He then decided to take a different route and retain as a Solicitor by studying GDL and LPC, he trained in various contentious seats and decided to settle on Litigation.

During his legal career he has had a wide range of experience in general Tort of Negligence, Insolvency procedures and Debt collection, with specific expertise in Commercial Disputes between companies, particularly professional negligence and breach of contact.

More about Yazmin…

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done?

A slingshot ride in Cyprus. 

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

A teacher – I worked in a Primary School as one of my first jobs and loved it. 


I have never dealt with a solicitor personally and was recommended to contact Woodfines to assist me with a complicated issue. All the staff were super helpful and attentive, but I was extremely fortunate to be passed on Mr Thomas Giles. This man is a credit to the team and is incredibly passionate about his job and the people he is caring for. He dealt with my issue with such patience as it was more complicated on my end, however, was ready to pick up where we left off and dealt with the issue in such a timely matter. He was professional, asked for all the smaller details and was able to spot anything that might potentially be a further issue all prior to carrying out the task itself. Mr Thomas Giles was sensitive about the subject and also knew the right way to go about it and the correct questions to ask. I was made aware of costs and any route the job itself might take us down. Couldn’t recommend him enough. Thank you so much.

Nathan Taylor-Allkins

Criminal Law Regulatory Matters Road Traffic Offences Road Transport & Logistics

Thomas Joined Woodfines in 2024 as a Solicitor in the Regulatory and Dispute Resolution department. He went to the University of York to read History and Politics (Joint Honours) and continues his studies to complete a masters degree at the University of St Andrews to read international Politics. He began his career as a Policy Advisor in Westminster where he found the Legal aspects the most interesting.

He then became a Health and Safety Inspector where he inspected various factories and led investigations into workplace accidents and fatalities. He then decided to take a different route and retain as a Solicitor by studying GDL and LPC, he trained in various contentious seats and decided to settle on Litigation.

During his legal career he has had a wide range of experience in general Tort of Negligence, Insolvency procedures and Debt collection, with specific expertise in Commercial Disputes between companies, particularly professional negligence and breach of contact.

More about Nathan

What was your first job?

My first proper job was working on the fish counter at Waitrose (the smell did linger somewhat…) but my first job in law was as a court logger at Northampton Crown Court, which I loved. I had to keep a log of everything that happened during all the proceedings and got to observe some fantastic advocates and barristers. It sparked my passion for criminal law and set me on my path to becoming a lawyer.

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

My dream would be to work with big cats (lions predominately) in Africa but the reality is probably something either to do with sport or a teacher.


I have never dealt with a solicitor personally and was recommended to contact Woodfines to assist me with a complicated issue. All the staff were super helpful and attentive, but I was extremely fortunate to be passed on Mr Thomas Giles. This man is a credit to the team and is incredibly passionate about his job and the people he is caring for. He dealt with my issue with such patience as it was more complicated on my end, however, was ready to pick up where we left off and dealt with the issue in such a timely matter. He was professional, asked for all the smaller details and was able to spot anything that might potentially be a further issue all prior to carrying out the task itself. Mr Thomas Giles was sensitive about the subject and also knew the right way to go about it and the correct questions to ask. I was made aware of costs and any route the job itself might take us down. Couldn’t recommend him enough. Thank you so much.

Mike Hayward

Criminal Law Regulatory Matters Road Traffic Offences Road Transport & Logistics

Thomas Joined Woodfines in 2024 as a Solicitor in the Regulatory and Dispute Resolution department. He went to the University of York to read History and Politics (Joint Honours) and continues his studies to complete a masters degree at the University of St Andrews to read international Politics. He began his career as a Policy Advisor in Westminster where he found the Legal aspects the most interesting.

He then became a Health and Safety Inspector where he inspected various factories and led investigations into workplace accidents and fatalities. He then decided to take a different route and retain as a Solicitor by studying GDL and LPC, he trained in various contentious seats and decided to settle on Litigation.

During his legal career he has had a wide range of experience in general Tort of Negligence, Insolvency procedures and Debt collection, with specific expertise in Commercial Disputes between companies, particularly professional negligence and breach of contact.

More about Mike…

What’s the most daring/scariest thing you have done? 

Driving test … for the second time!

What was your first job?

I worked in a bakery putting jam into doughnuts

Tell us something that not many people would know about you?

I used to sing in a Cathedral Choir but now keep my singing to the car.

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?

I wanted to go into the Royal Marines but then decided I’d be more suited to doing battle in Court.


I have never dealt with a solicitor personally and was recommended to contact Woodfines to assist me with a complicated issue. All the staff were super helpful and attentive, but I was extremely fortunate to be passed on Mr Thomas Giles. This man is a credit to the team and is incredibly passionate about his job and the people he is caring for. He dealt with my issue with such patience as it was more complicated on my end, however, was ready to pick up where we left off and dealt with the issue in such a timely matter. He was professional, asked for all the smaller details and was able to spot anything that might potentially be a further issue all prior to carrying out the task itself. Mr Thomas Giles was sensitive about the subject and also knew the right way to go about it and the correct questions to ask. I was made aware of costs and any route the job itself might take us down. Couldn’t recommend him enough. Thank you so much.

Jane Anderson

Criminal Law Regulatory Matters Road Traffic Offences Road Transport & Logistics

Thomas Joined Woodfines in 2024 as a Solicitor in the Regulatory and Dispute Resolution department. He went to the University of York to read History and Politics (Joint Honours) and continues his studies to complete a masters degree at the University of St Andrews to read international Politics. He began his career as a Policy Advisor in Westminster where he found the Legal aspects the most interesting.

He then became a Health and Safety Inspector where he inspected various factories and led investigations into workplace accidents and fatalities. He then decided to take a different route and retain as a Solicitor by studying GDL and LPC, he trained in various contentious seats and decided to settle on Litigation.

During his legal career he has had a wide range of experience in general Tort of Negligence, Insolvency procedures and Debt collection, with specific expertise in Commercial Disputes between companies, particularly professional negligence and breach of contact.

More about Jane… 

What was your first job? 

Saturday girl, Mickey Finn’s chip shop, Central Drive, Blackpool

Tell us something that not many people would know about you?

I got married on the Empire State Building.

If you weren’t a lawyer or in your current profession, what would you be doing?



I have never dealt with a solicitor personally and was recommended to contact Woodfines to assist me with a complicated issue. All the staff were super helpful and attentive, but I was extremely fortunate to be passed on Mr Thomas Giles. This man is a credit to the team and is incredibly passionate about his job and the people he is caring for. He dealt with my issue with such patience as it was more complicated on my end, however, was ready to pick up where we left off and dealt with the issue in such a timely matter. He was professional, asked for all the smaller details and was able to spot anything that might potentially be a further issue all prior to carrying out the task itself. Mr Thomas Giles was sensitive about the subject and also knew the right way to go about it and the correct questions to ask. I was made aware of costs and any route the job itself might take us down. Couldn’t recommend him enough. Thank you so much.